The first meeting I attended at the CAP office was full of CAPstaff, interns, volunteers and corporate sponsor representatives likemyself. I sat back in awe as I heard the planning and preparations andsincere desire to get people involved from ALL walks of life. I thought,wow, this is something I can get behind. I learned about the impact ofAIDS right here in Oregon. I learned about the programs and outreach,education and support that Cascade AIDS Project provides to thecommunity. And I didn't want to get involved just because it was my"job" but because I live here. Because I have two teenage sonsand want them to be educated on the risks. Because I have a friend who hasAIDS, and I want him to live. Because I work for a company that createsmedicines for unmet medical needs, and I want to be a part of finding asolution to this disease.
So why do I walk? I walk for my kids. I walk for myfriend. I walk for a better future. Want to join me?
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