Tuesday, June 29, 2010

AIDS Walk Portland 2010 stats:

As of Friday, June 25 @ 10.00AM:
Number of participants=171; amount of money raised=$37,525.

Wow! Keep going, people- you're rocking it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 (+1) Things I Can Do About HIV/AIDS

1. Talk about HIV/AIDS.

2. Support loved ones living with HIV/AIDS.

3. Educate yourself and then others about HIV/AIDS.

4. Volunteer at local HIV/AIDS organizations.

5. Register to vote.

6. Inform yourself and others about HIV-related legislation and policies.

7. VOTE!

8. Disclose your HIV status to fight HIV-related stigma.

9. Remember the past, live in the present, plan for the future.

10. Keep talking about HIV/AIDS!

One more thing you can do: register for the Walk at AIDS Walk Portland! We'd love to have you there with us.