As of Friday, July 30 @ 11.00AM:
Number of participants=486; number of teams=136; amount of money raised=$71,910.
We're 9 weeks out- Talk the Walk and help us reach our goals:
12,000 Walkers in 300 Teams, raising $400,000.
Sign up as a Walker or sponsor a Walker at the AIDS Walk Portland 2010 website. After you've registered, you can customize your personal and team pages with graphics and text. You can use the Email Center to contact teammates and supporters.
Friday, July 30, 2010
AIDS Walk Portland 2010 Stats
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
CAP Program Highlight: Teen2Teen
Teen2Teen is a group of passionate, activated youth ages 15-19 who are trained as peer educators in HIV/AIDS and Sexuality education. They make a one year commitment to dedicate their time to learning and educating about HIV/AIDS, sexuality, gender, sexual orientation, healthy relationships, and much more. Throughout their year of volunteering they attend meetings every week and take part in extra training sessions and workshops.
Teen2Teen youth become a resource for their friends, families, and communities on topics ranging from how to get tested for an STD to how to become activated around sexual health. They present in schools and at Agent Trainings, attend and present at conferences like the Oregon Queer Youth Conference and the Adolescent Sexuality Conference, and create amazing outreach projects in our communities. They also have huge amounts of fun, and make incredible friendships.
Teen2Teen's Mission was written by and for the youth in Teen2Teen. It is a statement meant to describe and inspire the work that Teen2Teen does through their outreach, their discussions, their Agent Trainings, and the societal change they make with their program:
"As Teen2Teen we strive to educate our peers and ourselves about HIV and Sexuality. Our goal is to create an empowered, active, and informed community. We aim to provide comprehensive information and end stigma surrounding HIV and Sexuality."
For more information or to find out how to volunteer or get involved, please email Annika Shore, the Youth HIV Education Coordinator, or fill out a Teen2Teen application.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
CAP Program Highlight: CHATpdx
CHATpdx uses four main strategies to accomplish this work.
• peer-to-peer education to reach at-risk youth,
• expand HIV testing opportunities for at-risk youth,
• use social media to enhance peer education and extend its reach,
• expand and enhance partnerships among youth serving agencies.
CHATpdx hosts an HIV testing night for youth at Pivot (209 SW 4th Ave; formerly the Men’s Wellness Center) which occurs every 2nd and 4th Mondays from 3 – 7pm. The space and testing are open for all youth 24 and under, and include games, peer education, wii, snacks, and more.
CHATpdx is on Facebook and Twitter! “Like” the Facebook page to get the latest CHATpdx news and events. Additionally, a blog for youth is coming soon. They post information for events relevant to youth 24 and under and also provide free testing for some events. If you’d like to add rapid oral HIV testing for your event please contact us and we will make every attempt to set up free and confidential testing.
While CHATpdx will not turn away any youth 24 and under, there is a special emphasis on reaching and serving racial and ethnic minority youth.
For more information, see the Facebook and Twitter, or contact Ernesto Dominguez or Annika Shore.
Friday, July 16, 2010
AIDS Walk Portland 2010 Stats
As of Friday, July 16 @ 10.00AM:
Number of participants=292; number of teams=91; amount of money raised=$55,690.
We're 11 weeks out- Talk the Walk and help us reach our goals:
12,000 Walkers in 300 Teams, raising $400,000.
Sign up as a Walker or sponsor a Walker at the AIDS Walk Portland 2010 website. After you've registered, you can customize your personal and team pages with graphics and text. You can use the Email Center to contact teammates and supporters.