Friday, November 19, 2010

CAP Employees in Just Out!

Two of our amazing employees are in this week's Just Out:

First, go to page 13 to the NW News: In Brief; there you'll read about Eowyn Wood's second novel being picked as a finalist for the National Best Books 2010 Award. (You can also read about that here online--scroll down.)

Then, on page 19 you can discover more about Michael Anderson-Nathe's experience being part of the "only gay Jewish-Vietnamese adoptive family in Portland." (That one can be found here online--again, scroll-down.)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hotel Monaco's Red Ribbon Party for CAP!

On December 1st 2010– around the world and throughout the United States – communities will come together to mark the 22nd Annual World AIDS Day. Take time to ensure we not only recognize the 25 million individuals lost to HIV and AIDS, but the 33 million global citizens living with the HIV virus today and appreciate the work of so many fighting the disease as allies, advocates, lovers, families and supporters!
HIV/ AIDS affects 1.2 million Americans; a little over 7,000 in Oregon are living with the virus and there are a little over 300 new infections in Oregon annually.  New infection rates have not decreased in over a decade.   Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) is here to help those in need and those at risk.
As a part of this day ,  Hotel Monaco of Portland will open its doors to CAP and our friends at 7PM for the Red Ribbon Party, an awareness and friend-raising event in honor of World AIDS Day and CAP.  This is a Hotel Monaco produced event and a part of the Kimpton Hotel’s commitment to help  fight HIV/AIDS.
Join us for a night of fun including:
  • Special entertainment provided by Poison Waters
  • DJ Pony will be spinning
  • Drag Queen Bingo ($5 per card) with some fabulous travel-related plush-ness as prizes (robes, nights away at Kimpton Properties, wine tasting, etc)
  • Red Ribbon Clothed and Painted men selling your chance to be a winner!  Raffle prizes are offered in the same theme as Bingo prizes
  • Live auction with  more than a dozen items including weekend stays at hotels across the country (many including airfare or train tickets).  These are BIG prizes!  Imagine Miami, New York, San Diego, Scottsdale!
  • Red Ribbon Ice Luge - Charity cosmos - Beer from the Oregon Brewers Guild- Sokol Blosser Wine - Appetizers from Red Star.
ALL proceeds benefit Cascade AIDS Project.

Admission is free and includes complimentary appetizers from Red Star so invite anyone you think would enjoy the evening.   Additionally, cocktails made with Belvedere spirits, Wine from Sokol Blosser and local beers from the Oregon Brewers Guild (wristbands for 3 drinks is $20). All proceeds from the evening will be donated to CAP, Oregon's largest AIDS service organization.

Other World AIDS Day events are happening throughout the day and can be viewed at

Monday, November 1, 2010

CAP: Looking Forward

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to support us at AIDS Walk. If you couldn’t make it, we missed you—but there are some other wonderful and fun events coming up that we’d love to see you at!

On Monday, November 22nd, Wilf’s Restaurant and the Sparks Group are hosting A Christmas to Remember. This event will kick off your holiday season with a Christmas scene including cocktails and live music. The night starts at 5.00 pm and is a benefit for Camp Starlight. More information can be found here—don’t forget to RSVP! If you can’t make the event, stop by any time in December. Proceeds from select food items and drinks will benefit Camp Starlight!

December 1st is World AIDS Day, and there are events all over Oregon. The Hotel Monaco is hosting the Red Ribbon Party, a fundraiser for Cascade AIDS Project emceed by Poison Waters. With bingo, a live auction and a raffle, it’s sure to be a great time! More information available here. There will be a breakfast at EMO HIV Day Center, a soup supper in Lincoln City and a healing service in Beaverton. More details—and other events—can be found at the World AIDS Day NW website.